Rapid phasing-in will slow down global warming more quickly

Total world-wide orders for methanol-ready ships have passed 250 units as of June 24. Our bio-e-methanol will contribute to the rapid phasing-in of an environment-friendly energy system – including green hydrogen as a fuel – and thereby a quicker slowdown in global warming.

The climate race can be won with green fuel and chemicals. Our contribution is bio-e-methanol – a hydrogen alternative which can be phased in right now.

Climate changes – the global warm-up – are escalating faster than zero-emission solutions can be implemented. If the world is going to win the race against time with the climate, all fossil fuels must be phased out more quickly. Renewable methanol will play an important role in this process.

Biomethanol is ready for quick phase-in

Biomethanol – also termed climate-neutral methanol because it is based on green carbon – represents a modern technology which can replace fossil methanol right now as a chemical-industry ingredient and as fossil fuels in ships and vehicles.

In addition to offering faster implementation, simple distribution and high energy density, this product can be made in large volumes using environment-friendly methods which satisfy a number of requirements in global markets.

Biomethanol alone is not the solution to the climate crisis, but it will be an essential and necessary element and can contribute to rapid implementation of low- and zero-emission solutions, reduced CO2 emissions and a faster slowdown in global warming.

Fossil fuels must be replaced more quickly

Fossil chemicals and fuels must be replaced more quickly by green alternatives.

The world’s dependence on and continued rising consumption of these commodities result in rising CO2 levels and undesirable climate change.

Despite a number of green initiatives, the growing worldwide implementation gap will ensure a “vacuuming” of all viable alternative solutions for the foreseeable future.

Biomethanol based on residual biological raw materials from sustainable industry and biomass

Residual biological raw materials from various sectors represent a large and unexploited green resource.

We will utilise, in a rational manner, such sources as logging residues (tops and branches) in the forest industry, which are currently left behind on the clearcut area. That will allow us to prevent the release of harmful methane from rotting material and to make better provision for replanting.

Sawmill waste, lumber collected from demolished buildings, fish-farming sludge and other bioresidues will be exploited in the same way.

Big resource base

Rotting increases emissions

Revitalisation and increased profitability

Efficient photosynthesis