Biomethanol – a highly efficient hydrogen carrier

From waste to green energy

We have the answer to how green hydrogen can be implemented right now as an alternative fuel in the transport sector – both on land and at sea.

The world’s cleanest circular value chain

We will be producing bio-e-methanol by establishing economically sustainable product flows for residual raw materials.

Our concept redefines the value of residual biomaterials through optimal energy utilisation and by ensuring that they do not go to waste.

High energy content in relation to volume and weight




Liquefied hydrogen

Compressed hydrogen

Battery operation

Methanol is the most volume- and weight-efficient of the green alternatives. Like diesel oil, it can be held in tanks which follow the hull shape. And, unlike the other hydrogen alternatives, it does not require rigid and complex tank systems.

Low risk profile

Methanol combined with a reformer and fuel cells, or used in internal combustion engines, is a highly efficient hydrogen and energy carrier.